Turkish youth. Chapter #3

In 2023, it will be 20 years that Turkey is led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan. I wanted to meet young people, who at the age of 20 will have only known this leader at the head of the country. How does one live when one is young in Turkey today? What are their aspirations, their projects, how do they see the future?

En 2023, cela fera 20 ans que la Turquie est dirigée par Recep Tayyip Erdogan. J’ai voulu rencontrer des jeunes, qui à 20 ans n’auront connu que ce dirigeant à la tête du pays. Comment vit-on quand on est jeune en Turquie aujourd’hui ? Quelles sont leurs aspirations, leurs projets, comment envisagent-ils l’avenir ?





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